AET Study Program was established in 2008 to restructure the curriculum and amalgamate five existing scientific fields, namely Horticulture, Agronomy, Plant Breeding, Soil Science, and Pests and Plant Diseases. AET scientific philosophy is sustainable agriculture which is derived from the vision and mission of the university and faculty of agriculture as follows:
By 2025, the AET study program is becoming a center of leading agricultural teaching and learning, fulfilling international standards, and participating actively in sustainable agriculture evolvement and activities to escalate the economic and social value of society
- Implementing the morals and ethics to manage agricultural sectors and environment to reach and appreciate resources that God creates
- Implementing and developing the academic character at the international level in sustainable agriculture based on environment management toward the professional graduate, competency, and ethics.
- Integrating sustainable agriculture and disseminating technology to increase the economic value based on environmental management for social services
In 2013, the AET curriculum was developed based on IQF, where the graduates must have four competencies: attitudes, general and specific skills, and knowledge. The study program is required to formulate a cognate scientific program to determine the four competencies in IQF. In its development, IQF has followed the development of science and technology and the Industrialization era 4.0 since 2018. IQF has refined its learning technique by implementing Outcome-Based Education (OBE) in all Indonesian universities.
The AET study program has the ILO adopted from a cognate consortium called PAGI (Indonesian Agroecotechnology Association). In 2015, the IQF curriculum was developed into an Outcome-Based Education (OBE), and it is derived into the ILO and CLO of AET. In the 2017 national accreditation and 2018 ASEAN certification, AET simplified the components and composition of the ILO from 23 to 11. Currently, OBE is developed in all forms of learning, such as collaborative and participatory classes using project-based learning and case studies methods. In preparing the CLO and determining the learning method, AET collaborates with stakeholders to reflect on curriculum preparation based on the market signal that refers to the graduate profile produced by AET. The market signal is a signal of competence in market demand for graduates who can work as employment or job creator professionally. Market signals can be obtained from alumni, graduate users (industry and profession), and students through tracer study. Furthermore, input from stakeholders will shape the composition of courses and teaching materials following the development of laboratories at the AET study program.
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